Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Getting one, Forgetting one, and not even thinking about one!

April was a great running month with milder temps and some great races.

Even though I wasn't planning on it I ran a 1/2 marathon due to someone having to drop out.
Thank you for the registration transfer Sunder I hope everything worked out okay

I was able to achieve my 1/2 marathon PR thanks to a runner friendly course and perfect weather at the Towpath 1/2 on April 6th. It also helps to run with faster runners for as long as you can! That runner being my good friend Bert who ran a 1.32.30 which was good for 2nd in age group and 38th place out of about 575 runners. I averaged a 7:25 pace which for me at this time of year and with my lack of speed training was great. I ended up 3rd in my age group and 66th overall and am excited about my chances at my road marathon in October.

1/2 marathon PR of 1.37.03
A week after the Towpath 1/2 was the Forget The PR 50K at Mohican Sate Park.
Me and a group of my Outrun friends got a cabin strategically located about 100 yards from the finish. The name is appropriate because due to the hills most people are not going to achieve their PR at this race. Unless of course it is your first 50K!
This year they added a trifecta option for those overachiever types.
It consisted of a 4.2 mile "sprint" on Friday evening, the 50k or 25k on Saturday and a 1/2 marathon on Sunday. I saw no need to inflict any more damage on my body then necessary especially since two weeks after Mohican was the Hyner View Trail Challenge 50k in PA.

Thank you Rob, Hugh and Johna and everyone volunteering their time over the weekend!
Forget the PR is one of my favorite runs and seeing so many familiar faces makes it even better.
Sure hope that next year we get to cross under the covered bridge!

Forget the PR 50K Outrun Adventure
Two weeks later I was headed to Pennsylvania for Hyner View Trail Challenge 50k.
Meaning no disrespect to "Bad Ass hill" but you are are just a puppy compared to "Humble Hill" in Pennsylvania. I was completely satisfied with a 6hr 47min finish for the 50K. This was a recon mission to see what type of terrain I will be dealing with in mid August at the inaugural Eastern States 100. There was about 7500" of climb for the 50k with most being 3 major hills.
The one downhill was so long I almost took a break from running but since the ups were not run-able I just kept motoring downward at a good clip. Managed to stay upright until mile 29 which was part of the last downhill to the finish. I don't bounce like I used to!

Not even a thought of a 50k PR!

I have heard about the food after the race at Hyner and it was epic!
A barbecue for 1200 people with all the trimmings and desserts and of course for those that partake their was no shortage of ale.
I would have stayed longer but my original plan was to do the Hyner 50k and drive back home and do another 50k at O24 a 24 hr race hosted by Outrun that started Saturday at 8am and would finish Sunday at 8am.
 Last year I was able to do 34 miles at O24 on Saturday then drive to Forget The PR on Sunday morning and do the 50K. The 5hr drive after Hyner was enough for my legs and brain to say not going to happen!
I did three 1 mile loops and went home and crashed so I could get back to O24 early Sunday to see the finish. I have a soft spot for O24 since it was my first overnight training for my first 100 miler in 2012. I have quite a few friends that I met at the inaugural O24 and have been on the race committee the last 2 years. Zack Johnson puts on a first class event that reached capacity(150) this year!

Seeing so many people reach goals they probably thought unattainable not to long ago was great!

A big congrats to my cousin Jimmy who did his first 100k despite the fact that his running partner in crime Craig broke his ankle early on and had to forget his hope of doing his first 100k too. Craig did come back after the trip to the emergency room and walked a couple loops with his crutches!!


Looking forward to May and hope to see you on a road or trail soon!.......Mike

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